Package | org.flixel |
Class | public class FlxG |
Property | Defined by | ||
buffer : BitmapData [static]
Reference to the active graphics buffer.
| FlxG | ||
debug : Boolean [static]
Whether you are running in Debug or Release mode.
| FlxG | ||
elapsed : Number [static]
Represents the amount of time in seconds that passed since last frame.
| FlxG | ||
fade : FlxFade
A special effect that fades a color onto the screen.
| FlxG | ||
flash : FlxFlash
A special effect that flashes a color on the screen.
| FlxG | ||
followLead : Point [static]
Used to force the camera to look ahead of the
followTarget . | FlxG | ||
followLerp : Number [static]
Used to smoothly track the camera as it follows.
| FlxG | ||
followMax : Point [static]
Stores the bottom and right edges of the camera area.
| FlxG | ||
followMin : Point [static]
Stores the top and left edges of the camera area.
| FlxG | ||
followTarget : FlxObject
Tells the camera to follow this
FlxCore object around. | FlxG | ||
framerate : uint [static]
The game and SWF framerate; default is 60.
| FlxG | ||
frameratePaused : uint [static]
The game and SWF framerate while paused; default is 10.
| FlxG | ||
gamepads : Array [static]
An array of
FlxGamepad objects. | FlxG | ||
height : uint [static]
The height of the screen in game pixels.
| FlxG | ||
keys : FlxKeyboard
A reference to a
FlxKeyboard object. | FlxG | ||
kong : FlxKong
Access to the Kongregate high scores and achievements API.
| FlxG | ||
level : int [static]
| FlxG | ||
levels : Array [static]
FlxG.levels and FlxG.scores are generic
global variables that can be used for various cross-state stuff. | FlxG | ||
LIBRARY_MAJOR_VERSION : uint = 2 [static]
Assign a major version to your library.
| FlxG | ||
LIBRARY_MINOR_VERSION : uint = 42 [static]
Assign a minor version to your library.
| FlxG | ||
LIBRARY_NAME : String = "flixel" [static]
If you build and maintain your own version of flixel,
you can give it your own name here.
| FlxG | ||
maxElapsed : Number [static]
Essentially locks the framerate to a minimum value - any slower and you'll get slowdown instead of frameskip; default is 1/30th of a second.
| FlxG | ||
mobile : Boolean [static]
Setting this to true will disable/skip stuff that isn't necessary for mobile platforms like Android.
| FlxG | ||
mouse : FlxMouse
A reference to a
FlxMouse object. | FlxG | ||
music : FlxSound
A handy container for a background music object.
| FlxG | ||
mute : Boolean [static]
mute to true to turn off the sound. | FlxG | ||
panel : FlxPanel
The support panel (twitter, reddit, stumbleupon, paypal, etc) visor thing
| FlxG | ||
pause : Boolean [static]
pause to true to pause the game, all sounds, and display the pause popup. | FlxG | ||
quake : FlxQuake
A special effect that shakes the screen.
| FlxG | ||
save : int [static]
| FlxG | ||
saves : Array [static]
FlxG.saves is a generic bucket for storing
FlxSaves so you can access them whenever you want. | FlxG | ||
score : int [static]
| FlxG | ||
scores : Array [static]
| FlxG | ||
scroll : Point [static]
Stores the basic parallax scrolling values.
| FlxG | ||
showBounds : Boolean [static]
showBounds to true to display the bounding boxes of the in-game objects. | FlxG | ||
sounds : Array [static]
A list of all the sounds being played in the game.
| FlxG | ||
stage : Stage [static][read-only]
Retrieves the Flash stage object (required for event listeners)
| FlxG | ||
state : FlxState
Safely access the current game state.
| FlxG | ||
timeScale : Number [static]
How fast or slow time should pass in the game; default is 1.0.
| FlxG | ||
volume : Number [static]
volume to a number between 0 and 1 to change the global volume. | FlxG | ||
width : uint [static]
The width of the screen in game pixels.
| FlxG |
Property | Defined by | ||
_cache : Object [static]
Internal storage system to prevent graphics from being used repeatedly in memory.
| FlxG | ||
_game : FlxGame
Internal tracker for game object (so we can pause & unpause)
| FlxG | ||
_mute : Boolean [static]
Internal flag for whether or not the game is muted.
| FlxG | ||
_pause : Boolean [static]
Internal tracker for game pause state.
| FlxG | ||
_scrollTarget : Point [static]
Internal, used to assist camera and scrolling.
| FlxG | ||
_volume : Number [static]
Internal volume level, used for global sound control.
| FlxG |
Method | Defined by | ||
addBitmap(Graphic:Class, Reverse:Boolean = false, Unique:Boolean = false, Key:String = null):BitmapData
Loads a bitmap from a file, caches it, and generates a horizontally flipped version if necessary.
| FlxG | ||
Check the local bitmap cache to see if a bitmap with this key has been loaded already.
| FlxG | ||
createBitmap(Width:uint, Height:uint, Color:uint, Unique:Boolean = false, Key:String = null):BitmapData
Generates a new
BitmapData object (a colored square) and caches it. | FlxG | ||
destroySounds(ForceDestroy:Boolean = false):void
Called by FlxGame on state changes to stop and destroy sounds.
| FlxG | ||
Internal function that updates the camera and parallax scrolling.
| FlxG | ||
Tells the camera subsystem what
FlxCore object to follow. | FlxG | ||
followAdjust(LeadX:Number = 0, LeadY:Number = 0):void
Specify an additional camera component - the velocity-based "lead",
or amount the camera should track in front of a sprite.
| FlxG | ||
followBounds(MinX:int = 0, MinY:int = 0, MaxX:int = 0, MaxY:int = 0, UpdateWorldBounds:Boolean = true):void
Specify the boundaries of the level or where the camera is allowed to move.
| FlxG | ||
Get a number that represents the mute state that we can multiply into a sound transform.
| FlxG | ||
Log data to the developer console.
| FlxG | ||
Creates a new sound object from an embedded
Class object. | FlxG | ||
playMusic(Music:Class, Volume:Number = 1.0):void
Set up and play a looping background soundtrack.
| FlxG | ||
Reset the input helper objects (useful when changing screens or states)
| FlxG | ||
setGameData(Game:FlxGame, Width:uint, Height:uint, Zoom:uint):void
Called by
FlxGame to set up FlxG during FlxGame 's constructor. | FlxG | ||
Creates a new sound object from a URL.
| FlxG | ||
Stops and resets the camera.
| FlxG | ||
Calls update on the keyboard and mouse input tracking objects.
| FlxG | ||
Called by the game loop to make sure the sounds get updated each frame.
| FlxG |
Method | Defined by | ||
An internal function that adjust the volume levels and the music channel after a change.
| FlxG | ||
Internal helper, pauses all game sounds.
| FlxG | ||
Internal helper, pauses all game sounds.
| FlxG |
buffer | property |
public static var buffer:BitmapData
Reference to the active graphics buffer.
Can also be referenced via FlxState.screen
_cache | property |
protected static var _cache:Object
Internal storage system to prevent graphics from being used repeatedly in memory.
debug | property |
public static var debug:Boolean
Whether you are running in Debug or Release mode.
Set automatically by FlxFactory
during startup.
elapsed | property |
public static var elapsed:Number
Represents the amount of time in seconds that passed since last frame.
fade | property |
public static var fade:FlxFade
A special effect that fades a color onto the screen. Usage: FlxG.fade.start();
flash | property |
public static var flash:FlxFlash
A special effect that flashes a color on the screen. Usage: FlxG.flash.start();
followLead | property |
public static var followLead:Point
Used to force the camera to look ahead of the followTarget
followLerp | property |
public static var followLerp:Number
Used to smoothly track the camera as it follows.
followMax | property |
public static var followMax:Point
Stores the bottom and right edges of the camera area.
followMin | property |
public static var followMin:Point
Stores the top and left edges of the camera area.
followTarget | property |
public static var followTarget:FlxObject
Tells the camera to follow this FlxCore
object around.
framerate | property |
[read-write]The game and SWF framerate; default is 60.
Implementation public static function get framerate():uint
public function set framerate(value:uint):void
frameratePaused | property |
[read-write]The game and SWF framerate while paused; default is 10.
Implementation public static function get frameratePaused():uint
public function set frameratePaused(value:uint):void
_game | property |
protected static var _game:FlxGame
Internal tracker for game object (so we can pause & unpause)
gamepads | property |
public static var gamepads:Array
An array of FlxGamepad
objects. Important for input!
height | property |
public static var height:uint
The height of the screen in game pixels.
keys | property |
public static var keys:FlxKeyboard
A reference to a FlxKeyboard
object. Important for input!
kong | property |
public static var kong:FlxKong
Access to the Kongregate high scores and achievements API.
level | property |
public static var level:int
levels | property |
public static var levels:Array
and FlxG.scores
are generic
global variables that can be used for various cross-state stuff.
public static var LIBRARY_MAJOR_VERSION:uint = 2
Assign a major version to your library. Appears before the decimal in the console.
public static var LIBRARY_MINOR_VERSION:uint = 42
Assign a minor version to your library. Appears after the decimal in the console.
LIBRARY_NAME | property |
public static var LIBRARY_NAME:String = "flixel"
If you build and maintain your own version of flixel, you can give it your own name here. Appears in the console.
maxElapsed | property |
public static var maxElapsed:Number
Essentially locks the framerate to a minimum value - any slower and you'll get slowdown instead of frameskip; default is 1/30th of a second.
mobile | property |
public static var mobile:Boolean
Setting this to true will disable/skip stuff that isn't necessary for mobile platforms like Android. [BETA]
mouse | property |
public static var mouse:FlxMouse
A reference to a FlxMouse
object. Important for input!
music | property |
public static var music:FlxSound
A handy container for a background music object.
_mute | property |
protected static var _mute:Boolean
Internal flag for whether or not the game is muted.
mute | property |
Set mute
to true to turn off the sound.
The default value is false
public static function get mute():Boolean
public function set mute(value:Boolean):void
panel | property |
public static var panel:FlxPanel
The support panel (twitter, reddit, stumbleupon, paypal, etc) visor thing
_pause | property |
protected static var _pause:Boolean
Internal tracker for game pause state.
pause | property |
Set pause
to true to pause the game, all sounds, and display the pause popup.
public static function get pause():Boolean
public function set pause(value:Boolean):void
quake | property |
public static var quake:FlxQuake
A special effect that shakes the screen. Usage: FlxG.quake.start();
save | property |
public static var save:int
saves | property |
public static var saves:Array
is a generic bucket for storing
FlxSaves so you can access them whenever you want.
score | property |
public static var score:int
scores | property |
public static var scores:Array
scroll | property |
public static var scroll:Point
Stores the basic parallax scrolling values.
_scrollTarget | property |
protected static var _scrollTarget:Point
Internal, used to assist camera and scrolling.
showBounds | property |
public static var showBounds:Boolean
Set showBounds
to true to display the bounding boxes of the in-game objects.
sounds | property |
public static var sounds:Array
A list of all the sounds being played in the game.
stage | property |
[read-only]Retrieves the Flash stage object (required for event listeners)
Implementation public static function get stage():Stage
state | property |
[read-write]Safely access the current game state.
Implementation public static function get state():FlxState
public function set state(value:FlxState):void
timeScale | property |
public static var timeScale:Number
How fast or slow time should pass in the game; default is 1.0.
_volume | property |
protected static var _volume:Number
Internal volume level, used for global sound control.
volume | property |
Set volume
to a number between 0 and 1 to change the global volume.
The default value is 0.5
public static function get volume():Number
public function set volume(value:Number):void
width | property |
public static var width:uint
The width of the screen in game pixels.
addBitmap | () | method |
public static function addBitmap(Graphic:Class, Reverse:Boolean = false, Unique:Boolean = false, Key:String = null):BitmapData
Loads a bitmap from a file, caches it, and generates a horizontally flipped version if necessary.
ParametersGraphic:Class — The image file that you want to load.
Reverse:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether to generate a flipped version.
Unique:Boolean (default = false )
Key:String (default = null )
BitmapData — The BitmapData we just created.
changeSounds | () | method |
protected static function changeSounds():void
An internal function that adjust the volume levels and the music channel after a change.
checkBitmapCache | () | method |
public static function checkBitmapCache(Key:String):Boolean
Check the local bitmap cache to see if a bitmap with this key has been loaded already.
ParametersKey:String — The string key identifying the bitmap.
Boolean — Whether or not this file can be found in the cache.
createBitmap | () | method |
public static function createBitmap(Width:uint, Height:uint, Color:uint, Unique:Boolean = false, Key:String = null):BitmapData
Generates a new BitmapData
object (a colored square) and caches it.
Width:uint — How wide the square should be.
Height:uint — How high the square should be.
Color:uint — What color the square should be (0xAARRGGBB)
Unique:Boolean (default = false )
Key:String (default = null )
BitmapData — The BitmapData we just created.
destroySounds | () | method |
public static function destroySounds(ForceDestroy:Boolean = false):void
Called by FlxGame on state changes to stop and destroy sounds.
ParametersForceDestroy:Boolean (default = false ) — Kill sounds even if they're flagged survive .
doFollow | () | method |
public static function doFollow():void
Internal function that updates the camera and parallax scrolling.
follow | () | method |
public static function follow(Target:FlxObject, Lerp:Number = 1):void
Tells the camera subsystem what FlxCore
object to follow.
Target:FlxObject — The object to follow.
Lerp:Number (default = 1 ) — How much lag the camera should have (can help smooth out the camera movement).
followAdjust | () | method |
public static function followAdjust(LeadX:Number = 0, LeadY:Number = 0):void
Specify an additional camera component - the velocity-based "lead", or amount the camera should track in front of a sprite.
ParametersLeadX:Number (default = 0 ) — Percentage of X velocity to add to the camera's motion.
LeadY:Number (default = 0 ) — Percentage of Y velocity to add to the camera's motion.
followBounds | () | method |
public static function followBounds(MinX:int = 0, MinY:int = 0, MaxX:int = 0, MaxY:int = 0, UpdateWorldBounds:Boolean = true):void
Specify the boundaries of the level or where the camera is allowed to move.
ParametersMinX:int (default = 0 ) — The smallest X value of your level (usually 0).
MinY:int (default = 0 ) — The smallest Y value of your level (usually 0).
MaxX:int (default = 0 ) — The largest X value of your level (usually the level width).
MaxY:int (default = 0 ) — The largest Y value of your level (usually the level height).
UpdateWorldBounds:Boolean (default = true ) — Whether the quad tree's dimensions should be updated to match.
getMuteValue | () | method |
public static function getMuteValue():uint
Get a number that represents the mute state that we can multiply into a sound transform.
Returnsuint — An unsigned integer - 0 if muted, 1 if not muted.
log | () | method |
public static function log(Data:Object):void
Log data to the developer console.
ParametersData:Object — Anything you want to log to the console.
pauseSounds | () | method |
protected static function pauseSounds():void
Internal helper, pauses all game sounds.
play | () | method |
public static function play(EmbeddedSound:Class, Volume:Number = 1.0, Looped:Boolean = false):FlxSound
Creates a new sound object from an embedded Class
EmbeddedSound:Class — The sound you want to play.
Volume:Number (default = 1.0 ) — How loud to play it (0 to 1).
Looped:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether or not to loop this sound.
FlxSound —
A FlxSound object.
playMusic | () | method |
public static function playMusic(Music:Class, Volume:Number = 1.0):void
Set up and play a looping background soundtrack.
ParametersMusic:Class — The sound file you want to loop in the background.
Volume:Number (default = 1.0 ) — How loud the sound should be, from 0 to 1.
playSounds | () | method |
protected static function playSounds():void
Internal helper, pauses all game sounds.
resetInput | () | method |
public static function resetInput():void
Reset the input helper objects (useful when changing screens or states)
setGameData | () | method |
public static function setGameData(Game:FlxGame, Width:uint, Height:uint, Zoom:uint):void
Called by FlxGame
to set up FlxG
during FlxGame
's constructor.
Game:FlxGame |
Width:uint |
Height:uint |
Zoom:uint |
stream | () | method |
public static function stream(URL:String, Volume:Number = 1.0, Looped:Boolean = false):FlxSound
Creates a new sound object from a URL.
ParametersURL:String — The sound you want to play.
Volume:Number (default = 1.0 ) — How loud to play it (0 to 1).
Looped:Boolean (default = false ) — Whether or not to loop this sound.
FlxSound —
A FlxSound object.
unfollow | () | method |
public static function unfollow():void
Stops and resets the camera.
updateInput | () | method |
public static function updateInput():void
Calls update on the keyboard and mouse input tracking objects.
updateSounds | () | method |
public static function updateSounds():void
Called by the game loop to make sure the sounds get updated each frame.